School Council

At Ysgol Maes Owen, every class in Years 3/4 through too Years 5/6 have a School Council representative. We hold regular meetings to discuss ways in which we can improve our school. We also come up with ideas for raising money for charity and for the school and often act as a voice for concerns other children may have. The School Council members will regularly meet to discuss the views and ideas of pupils at Ysgol Maes Owen. These discussions are then fed back to the rest of school through this website page, classroom discussions, assemblies and the School Council noticeboard which is situated by the school hall. Miss Blears also shares the views of the teachers and accomdates the resources for our school council to make a real impact! If you are a child who goes to Ysgol Maes Owen, don't forget that you can put forward your suggestions about how to improve our school in a number of ways: • Speak to a School Council representative and they will jot your comments down in their 'Council Comments' log book which they will then take to the next meeting. • You can also write down your idea on a slip of paper and post it into your class 'Class Comments' box. Your School Council representative will then bring this to the next meeting. Please read our School Council Action Plan overview for more information. Many thanks Chairman & Vice Chairman Download minutes from the following meetings: 24th June, 2024 3rd June, 2024 20th May, 2024 29th April, 2024 22nd April, 2024 15th April, 2024 8th April, 2024 11th March, 2024 4th March, 2024 26th February, 2024 5th February, 2024 29th January, 2024 22nd January, 2024 15th January, 2024 11th December, 2023 4th December, 2023 27th November, 2023 20th November, 2023 13th November, 2023 6th November, 2023 23rd October, 2023 16th October, 2023 12th June, 2023 6th June, 2023 5th June, 2023 15th May, 2023 2nd May, 2023 24th April, 2023 20th March, 2023 13th March, 2023 13th February, 2023 5th February, 2023 23rd January, 2023 16th January, 2023 5th December, 2022 21st November, 2022 14th November, 2022 7th November, 2022 24th October, 2022 17th October, 2022 10th October, 2022 3rd October 2022 26th September 2022
Ysgol Maes Owen © 2024 Website designed and maintained by H G Web Designs
Contact / Cysylltu
Ysgol Maes Owen Morfa Avenue, Kinmel Bay, Conwy LL18 5LE.
01745 353721

School Council

At Ysgol Maes Owen, every class in Years 3/4 through too Years 5/6 have a School Council representative. We hold regular meetings to discuss ways in which we can improve our school. We also come up with ideas for raising money for charity and for the school and often act as a voice for concerns other children may have. The School Council members will regularly meet to discuss the views and ideas of pupils at Ysgol Maes Owen. These discussions are then fed back to the rest of school through this website page, classroom discussions, assemblies and the School Council noticeboard which is situated by the school hall. Miss Blears also shares the views of the teachers and accomdates the resources for our school council to make a real impact! If you are a child who goes to Ysgol Maes Owen, don't forget that you can put forward your suggestions about how to improve our school in a number of ways: • Speak to a School Council representative and they will jot your comments down in their 'Council Comments' log book which they will then take to the next meeting. • You can also write down your idea on a slip of paper and post it into your class 'Class Comments' box. Your School Council representative will then bring this to the next meeting. Please read our School Council Action Plan overview for more information. Many thanks Chairman & Vice Chairman Download minutes from the following meetings: 24th June, 2024 3rd June, 2024 20th May, 2024 29th April, 2024 22nd April, 2024 15th April, 2024 8th April, 2024 11th March, 2024 4th March, 2024 26th February, 2024 5th February, 2024 29th January, 2024 22nd January, 2024 15th January, 2024 11th December, 2023 4th December, 2023 27th November, 2023 20th November, 2023 13th November, 2023 6th November, 2023 23rd October, 2023 16th October, 2023 12th June, 2023 6th June, 2023 5th June, 2023 15th May, 2023 2nd May, 2023 24th April, 2023 20th March, 2023 13th March, 2023 13th February, 2023 5th February, 2023 23rd January, 2023 16th January, 2023 5th December, 2022 21st November, 2022 14th November, 2022 7th November, 2022 24th October, 2022 17th October, 2022 10th October, 2022 3rd October 2022 26th September 2022
Contact / Cysylltu
Ysgol Maes Owen Morfa Avenue, Kinmel Bay, Conwy LL18 5LE.
01745 353721
Ysgol Maes Owen © 2024 Website designed and maintained by H G Web Designs